Difference with Conventional Insurance Principles of Sharia Insurance
Developments in the field of insurance of course presents many services to the best products. Even from a service or insurance agencies can be sure always make new innovations that make the customer can enjoy maximum protection. As we know that in principle of insurance is currently much discussion materials made primarily from the conventional principle with Sharia. From each of these principles is not the same, so the community needs to know what the concept is.
To be able to understand what the concept of the best principles of conventional types of insurance the insurance of Sharia should examine first the individual commandments themselves regarding the reviews here.
Seen From The Concept Of Insurance
To understand what kind of important things from both of these types of insurance needed checking especially from the side of the concept. On conventional types already presents a system itself against the insured with the insurance premiums so that later can be replaced as access health coverage from the insurance agencies. For the insurance type of Sharia itself became one of a group of people that help to ensure even cooperate in ways each to issue the latest Fund.
The Origins Of Insurance
Not many know that the insurance principle types of conventional type already exists since the year 4000 to 3000 SM even became known as the Treaty of Hammurabi, then over time changed to more modern products. While in this type of Sharia insurance has become the habit of the Arab society prior to Islam then became one of access to obtain health coverage.
Aspects Of Law Resources
All types of conventional tubs with Sharia insurance still has an interesting aspect of the legal sources. For conventional sources has from the human mind to cultures. Even still, based on natural law and positive law. If on Sharia insurance also presents a different case where the source comes in the form of a divine revelation then developed the time Brides today.
The concept of Ghara, Usury and Maysir
Clear on the principle of Sharia insurance still thick with Islamic elements in it especially on three important aspects including Gharar, usury, and Maysir. It's obvious on conventional types do not run these three principles because the system works is not the same. For this type of insurance it's clean so that Sharia Maysir, Usury, and Gharar. So from his religious principles still lumpy on sharia principles than conventional.
Aspects Of The Sharia Supervisory Board
The difference from the conventional type of Sharia with insurance also had seen mainly from the presence of a DPS or so called Syariah Supervisory Board. For conventional type there is no DPS that still have not been able to independently practice contrary to Sharia norms . Thus the security side of the comparison is indeed almost alone, but on this type of Sharia have extra DPS and thus more secure.
DPS itself has the function of overseeing the execution of all the company's operations so that it is free from undue muamalah practice embraced the Sharia system.
The insurance principle of technically two types of both conventional and sharia presents advantages to disadvantages of each. The society became a prospective customer on Sharia insurance and conventional type should be careful in determining all the important things in it. Thus the second important concept both conventional presents differences which make the customer still gets protection. But the system is not the same, which the customer will be given particular consideration that makes her more confident with the best service and insurance products from a health insurance service or the soul.