
Still Single, Choose Health or Life Insurance?

It's been no secret affair, choose the type of insurance that fit create an unattached sometimes indeed confusing. Some say better life insurance, on the other hand health insurance rated makes more sense.

In essence, the two insurers that are equally good, and equally useful for you. But there are also differences. Let's learn more about in the first yuk about both this insurance.

Life insurance
Life insurance will give us protection of financial loss due to death or total and permanent record. This insurance has lots of benefits, because a given sum assured can be used for a variety of needs.

Health Insurance
In contrast to the life insurance, health insurance would protect borrowers from financial losses over the risk of disease by replacing the cost of coverage. In addition, health insurance can also be utilized to cover the cost of dental care, pregnancy, and other health risks.

Still Single, Choose Health Or Life Insurance?

Variant of health insurance also varies. There is a turn of the cost of inpatient, outpatient, and cash reimbursements.

Which are the most Suitable?

Well after a know definition, roughly where the most suitable for are single? Certainly, both are equally important.

All the people there are in this world for sure died right? The problem we do not know when we died. Means life insurance is important. Money life insurance coverage can also be partially cover the costs of illnesses that may be suffered before dying and also as a legacy for the family left behind.

If health insurance is definitely needed to lighten the load for the costs of treatment. This insurance can be used multiple times, and useful banget buat pressing expenses when the cost of medical treatment is relatively expensive.

If they were important, it means that everything must have a dong? If income per month is not enough to pay the premium gimana? Calm down, consider the points below.

1. Know for insurance cost

Before buying insurance, know first how are you in need of funds to pay for insurance per month. Of course, not only the centralised for insurance right, there is a savings and investment as well.

The insurance premium is clearly worth the difference-difference depending on the value. But generally, the cost of health insurance premiums larger than life insurance. Hence, at the beginning of the cost is used to determine before buying insurance Yes.

2. Have an emergency fund?

You have an emergency fund? If no or not enough, prioritize yourself first to save an emergency fund.

Because with an emergency fund, you can determine whether you need health insurance or life insurance only.

In fact, the emergency fund could also be used for the cost of medical treatment. Therefore, the availability of emergency funds would affect your decision to select insurance.

3. Are you the type of person who easily sick or often diopname?
This question should be asked to yourself. If within the last five years you have a history of pain, then the health insurance is very necessary. Especially if you are a subscription on medical treatment to the hospital.

4. Do you have any dependents?

If you have dependents such as children or wife, then life is the right insurance for you. Money life insurance coverage can be used to replace the lost income and finance their necessities of life risk in case of death or total disability.

Special for you who are still single, after read this article already know what for you insurance? Different situations or health conditions are certainly different also dong the insurance.

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