
Types of Health Insurance Claims and Car Insurance Claims

The types of health claims and vehicle (car) - In insurance there are many programs that you can choose according to your needs. Then also you will become acquainted with the term process insurance claims. In this article we will discuss more deeply the kinds of insurance claims. 

Insurance claims is a process of someone (policyholders) to file a formal request to insurance companies, to request payment of the insurance benefits are based on the provisions of the Treaty which are already written in the insurance policy owned.

Types of Health Insurance Claims and Car Insurance Claims

Before filing insurance claims in accordance with the types of insurance claims, there are a few things to note, among other things:

1. make sure properly the insurance policy you or your family is in a State of active (no time-lapse) and premiums already paid.

2. Pay attention to the limits of the grace period allowed to file a claim. Usually in a vulnerable time (7, 14, 30 days from the occurrence of the risk of a claim)

3. make sure that the claims will be filed are not included in the exemption, the pre-existing condition and in the waiting period.

4. make sure the original insurance filing form and supporting documents for the claim is correct and complete.

That's some important things that you can look at before making insurance claims. 

There are several types of claims that you can do. 

This time I will discuss about the types of health claims and vehicle (car). For the categories of claims health insurance there are many themes of the health claims that can be submitted, among other things:

a. Claims compensation for Hospitals

For the categories of claims was used for the filing of claims of compensation for hospital treatment, maternity benefit critical illness diagnosis, dental treatment and compensation compensation for medical expenses. 

For the procedure for making this claim, usually done by the insurance pays the first dahlu to the hospital. New afterwards can claim in accordance with the insurance product you choose. Then how to claim compensation for the hospital include:

b. Claims using the insurance card

This type of claim is found as a claim for hospitalization. Is there any way that could be done is this:

1. make sure you contact the 24-hour medical service insurance company where you follow the insurance program before the hospitalization. Or it could be 2 x 24 hours of hospitalization if the State of emergency.

2. you can also do the clarification of participation in the insurance program by medical service 24 hours. Information commonly asked questions surrounding the data yourself in insurance.

3. the clerk will give you a reference reference hospital partners of insurance you choose. Or also you can select the hospital that suits your wishes as long as entered in the list of hospitals that insurance company Partners. And 24-hour medical service Officer can also provide medical advice if you need it.

4. If you have already arrived at the hospital do not forget to show your insurance card to the hospital administration in order that the hospital directly call the 24-hour medical service insurance company where you join the insurance program, so you can immediately undergo hospitalization.

5. for the duration of your treatment in fulfilling the conditions and limits the maximum benefits that are listed in your policy, you don't need to be worrying about the cost of care at the hospital. Because of the costs arising in connection to such care will be guaranteed or underwritten by the insurance company where insurance programs.

And that became a partner hospital records at any time can also be changed depending upon the policy of the insurers concerned. As for outpatient claims (specifically for care before and after hospitalization) your insurance card can not be used as guarantee of payment for outpatient costs.

Is there any type of outpatient claims you can do after the treatment is done and in accordance with the summary provided in the policy.

And next is the type of claim for the vehicle. Vehicle insurance claim is an effort from policyholders when asking for damages on the part of the insurance company due to theft or accident against cars or vehicles that have been insured.

That's some types of insurance claims that could help you in completing your insurance needs for health or for your personal vehicle.

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