
Old Car, Is Comprehensive Insurance Worth It ?

Comprehensive insurance is a type of insurance that provides coverage for physical damage on your car that may not be caused by the accident. Comprehensive insurance can be a bit confusing because of the sheer amount of stuff that covers that we'll break it down here to help you figure it out.

is comprehensive insurance worth it?

Comprehensive insurance does not mean that you are covered for every single bit of damage that may happen to your car. This is not full coverage. Very comprehensive meaning that it covers the common occurrence of the incident which is not as a result of the collision. 

Is comprehensive insurance worth it?

Comprehensive coverage is designed to work with the collision coverage and because most States require you to have a collision it would be purchased in addition to Your coverage of the collision. There are certain things that include comprehensive insurance protection, and certain things that are not.

Coverage included with comprehensive insurance: 
  • Riot
  • API
  • Water, flood or rain damage
  • Vandalism (other than by the family or employees)
  • Vehicle theft (other than by the family or employees)
  • Missiles and falling objects (this is not the kind of missiles the army might fire at you, but refers to the motion of objects like a Roman candle, the bullet shot, and so on)
  • Animal damage (not if your dog has a bathroom break in the back seat-covers you if you hit an animal and damage caused)
  • What insurance does not cover: a comprehensive content theft (personal items that may have been left in the car at that time may have stolen stereo-, purse, wallet, etc.)
  • Regular wear and tear on vehicles

The cost of comprehensive coverage:
Your comprehensive insurance cost will be determined by the same factors that determine the basic coverage you – age, gender, driving record, Car value, location and mileage. Never get just one insurance quote. You can use online tools to get several quotes and use them to get your preferred, if not more expensive choices, come down in price. They all want your business in the end.

After you have carefully read the details of the coverage you're looking at to make sure you get the options you need and whatever you want (you can get the theft of personal items that are added to your policy, for example) you need to determine the current market value of your vehicle. Never pay more for your insurance from your vehicle is worth! Finally, remember that all car insurance comes with a deductible for each option and that the lower the deductible you are, the higher your premium will be. However, keep in mind that if you have a deductible lower it will be easier to get your car fixed or replaced in case of damage or theft.

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