
How Much Premiums Personal Accident Insurance and Payout Procedures

Premium is an amount of money that must be paid by the policyholder to the Insurer in accordance with the exchanged. Premium payment in personal accident insurance is based on annual premiums to be paid upfront, at the head office or any other place that is designated by the insurer and the insurer's approval can be over diangsur in accordance with the insurer.

How Much Premiums Personal Accident Insurance and Payout Procedures

In the grace period that the premiums paid the annual renewal premium payment is 30 (thirty) days calculated from the due date and if the premium is not paid, then the grace period for payment of the premium is 7 (seven) days.

In the assured grace period remains in effect and if the premium payment still not dilakukun sanpai expiration grace period, then the US policy but become null and void..

Payments made to the Insurer in a currency corresponding to the currency of the account.

Payment can be made by selling exchange rate by selling dollars and issued by the insurer at the time of payment.

The Validity Period Is Assured Personal Accident Insurance

Coverage will take effect from the date and time up to the date and time listed on your policy and premium which has been paid in full for any period in a given period of coverage.
In this policy the existence of a contract extension by way of renewing for next period and subsequent years based on mutual agreement between Penang gung and policyholders.

Coverage in this policy will be not valid after: participants died in the protection period expires, the contract, the premium is not paid until by the grace period as set forth in article 3 paragraph 2, at the end of the policy year in which the participants reached the age of 70 years.

The existence of extensive warranties policy accidents themselves:
1.100% Mortality
2. Lost for good vision both eyes 100%
3. Lost for good vision one eye 100%
4. Lost forever or lose the overall functions of two limbs 100%
5. Lost and for all functions of the overall loss or one limb 100%
6. Mental illness forever impossible can be healed back 100%
7. The paralysis of all limbs and for all that might not be 100% cured back
8. the overall Inability to forever: 100%

9. Loss of hearing for good
a. both ears 75%
b. one ear 15%

10. the overall loss of one eye lens for good 50%

11. Lost and for all the functions from all four fingers and the thumb of:
a. right handed 70%
b. left hand 50%

12. Lost and for all the functions of four fingers:
a. right hand 40%
b. left hand 30%

13. Lost forever the overall function of a thumb:
a. both sides right thumb 30%
b. a right thumb segment 15%
c. both sides left thumb 20%
d. one of the segments of the left thumb 10%

14. Lost forever the overall function of the fingers:
a. three-segment finger right 10%
b. two right fingers section 7.5%
c. one right finger segment 5%
d. the three sections of the left finger 7.5%
e. the two sections of the left finger 5%
f. one section left finger 2%

15. Lost forever the overall function of the toes:
a. entirely from both 15%
b. the second toe-thumb toe 5%
c. hallux-one sections toes 3%
d. in addition to the mother's toes, each toe 1%

16. Broken bones a foot or knee that Shell could not be reunified untu10% forever
17. The cutting away of at least 5 cm 7.5%
18. the actual cost of paying medical expenses for treatment/medical treatment as a result of injuries suffered by participants of maximal 10% of sum assured for each incident.

Personal Accident Insurance Claim Procedure
1. General Procedures
After experiencing kecelakaa, which should be done by the insured is:
* Contact the authorities Immediately (for certain cases
* Where possible save and keep yourself
* Contact the insurance through the fastest means of communication
* A description of the procedures and the completeness of the file a claim by claim
* The Survey will be held when necessary

Important things to be delivered the insured who have experienced misfortune is calming as well as tells that the insurance might help semaximal akin. Furthermore the insured should prepare the necessary documents. After looking at the legality of the polis, the complete survey data as well as documents that are necessary, the claim process will soon be completed by the insurance.

2. Settlement of claims
Based on the results that have been obtained, the insurance will give an explanation to the insured on the basis of the settlement of klaimyang asked questions. If the explanation is acceptable and approved then the next stage is the completion of its administrative HR and payment of claims.
In the payment claim, akin also accounted for own risk after all issues are resolved, the insurance obligations of the implementing member immediately akin claims, either in cash, by cheque or giro transfer or account.

Personal accident insurance coverage rates
Price protection (HP) is the amount of sum assured which use as the basis to determine:
 Limit maximal responsibility party Insurer against accidents self insured as a result of the occurrence of natural disasters over the importance that insured.
 Huge insurance premiums will be paid by the insured.

How is the determination of the magnitude of the Price Protection (HP)?

Determination of magnitude of HP is determined by the insured themselves, given the insured more know the importance of part of the body or the importance will be insured.

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